Imagine a government that trusts in our common humanity and our capacity to govern ourselves. If you are interested in starting a new local or receiving the GPVA endorsement to run for office. If you are interested in joining an existing local, please contact the local chair. > Embed collective kindness in our society The Green Party of Virginia is dedicated to promoting the Four Pillars - Ecological Wisdom, Grassroots Democracy, Peace, and Social Justice - throughout Virginia.

Elected Greens will work to: > Save the environment We believe in being brave, in speaking our minds, and in standing up for what matters. We aren’t afraid to hope for a better future or to be honest about how we get there. In an interview for the Green European Journal, Australian Green Party Leader Christine Milne talks about what the partys big wins in the recent election mean. The Green Party has big, bold ideas to create a confident and caring Britain that we can all be proud of. We believe in working closely with the local community to find out what matters to them and what they want their representatives to work to achieve in government. Green Party Co-Leader Adrian Ramsay to visit Southampton to meet local candidates and volunteers on Tuesday.We are the local Green Party for the Stafford Borough area, including Stone, Eccleshall, Barlaston, Hopton, Hixon and the Haywoods to the East and part of South Staffs District Penkridge and surrounding area. To those brave voters who supported us this year in an election where we orchestrated a deal with the City’s Lib Dems and whereby we had hoped to clinch a City Council seat we truly thank you. The Green Party stands in support for The Green New Deal, Universal Healthcare, Legal status for immigrants, clean water, clean air, Womens equality and. Please note the Scottish Greens and Northern Ireland Greens are separate Parties. If you need to speak to someone urgently please call us on 02036919400. Southampton & District Green Party thank Green voters. The easiest way to contact Green Party HQ is by clicking the speech bubble icon in the bottom right of the page and submitting a your enquiry. Comparative political science has largely ignored the marked cross-national variation in Green party electoral performance.The even darker peril of war across Europe envelopes most of the media, but please take the time to skim through our vision for Southampton in the hope that there are brighter times ahead. We have some interesting guest speakers planned for the upcoming members meetings and hope to see you. Further to our extensive 2021 manifesto written while the world was still grappling to carve out a new normal because of the pandemic, we now launch our Charter for Change which draws from the discussions gleaned from those grey days. Green Party MP Mike Morrice has been working across party lines to promote a Canada Disability Benefit, a guaranteed income for people with disabilities that would lift hundreds of thousands of people out of poverty. Cheshire West & Chester Green Party (CW&C) is made up of five constituencies: This site aims to provide local members with key information for the area and keep you updated on what’s going on and when.